Is it free of charge?
Yes, all pretests can be administered free and there is no charge to candidates.
When do we get scores?
Scores are returned within 3 weeks of receipt of pretests; the Writing papers are sent out to examiners for marking so the feedback for Writing takes 4 weeks from receipt.
Do we have to register?
If you are an authorised Cambridge English examination centre, you do not need to register in advance for pretests.
If you are not an authorised Cambridge English examination centre and have not previously administered pretests, please complete the Pretesting Centre Approval Form.
Why are the pretest windows scheduled at the times they are?
Pretesting windows are set up so that scores can be returned to candidates before any live exams that they may be taking.
What is a pretesting ‘window’?
In pretesting terms a window refers to the length of time that a pretest can be taken in and ranges from 3 – 8 weeks for different papers. When you receive an invitation to take part in a particular pretest you will be informed of the dates of the ‘window’.
Why is the pretest a different length to the live (official) test?
The length of a pretest may be different from that of a live exam because we have to pretest a large number of questions, some of which may get amended or dropped altogether.
Are pretests the same as live tests?
Live tests are based on the questions used in pretests and on the information that we get from the pretesting process.
Can we request a pretest outside a window?
Yes, we may be able to provide pretest papers outside of the windows. If you need to arrange a test, please get in touch and we will discuss your requirements with you.
Is posting and packing free?
Yes, all posting and packaging costs are free. We supply a DHL number that charges all costs to Cambridge Assessment.
Do we get reimbursed for invigilator costs?
No. However you shouldn’t need to get extra people involved for administering a pretest as they can be taken as a classroom activity, using exam conditions.
Is there a minimum number of pretest candidates?
No, there is no minimum number of pretest candidates. However we would prefer it if single candidates are not entered.
Is there a maximum number of pretest candidates?
Please contact us if you wish to enter a large group of students (over 150+) and we will be able to consider your request. Large numbers can be accommodated provided there are enough pretest versions available.
Can we have the papers back after they have been marked?
No, we are not able to send back papers after they have been marked as the questions in these papers will make up live tests later in the process. If you would like to use some Cambridge English exam papers for classroom practice, please see below for links to the Cambridge University Press site where you can purchase past papers.
What versions should we use if not all the students turn up for the pretest?
It would be most useful for us if a centre could complete as many versions as possible with the amount of students they have. For example, if you have 15 students instead of 30, instead of getting the 15 to do one version of the reading, 5 should do version A, 5 do version B and 5 do version C. That way we get a better selection of data in return.
What is the Anchor Test and what is it used for?
For most of our Pretests we include a separate "Anchor" question paper and we ask that all candidates complete this test as well and return it with the rest of their Pretests. This is a vital part of our collection of information about the level of difficulty of our exams. The Anchor paper must also be taken under exam conditions. Scores are not produced for the Anchor test.