If you want your results quickly...
Send your pretest papers back immediately after administration and within the pretesting window. If papers are sent back late, the marking may be delayed.
Also, ensure that papers are administered correctly following the ‘Instructions to Invigilators’ document and that all anchor papers are completed. Incorrect administration can slow down the scores process.
Prepare ahead of time...
Please ensure you check the Pretesting materials (including CDs) immediately as soon as they arrive. This will ensure there is time to resolve any issues prior to your pretest date.
Keep all candidate details the same...
Keep the same candidate details across all papers; this means the same candidate name, with correct spelling each time, and the same candidate number.
Help us to help you...
Send all the papers back in the envelopes we send them to you in as this helps us process the pretests more easily when they are returned.
Remember to return all pretest papers to Cambridge, whether used or unused.
If you have a large group with only one room for two versions of a listening test...
Organise the tests so that the first group sits the Listening test first, then administer a Reading test and finally administer the second version of the Listening test.
Know your IELTS bands...
IELTS pretest candidates have to be band 4 or above to enter.
Keep us informed...
Please let us know when your address or contact details change as we may otherwise use an incorrect address when sending future invitations.
You can find the ‘Pretesting Centre - Change of details’ form here.